Gräsantörmä 2,
02200 espoO, Finland

6 650
Floor Area (m²)
Carbon Footprint
Heating Energy
Enerz planned and implemented a comprehensive energy system modernization for the Gräsantörmä 2 office building in Espoo, Finland. The property’s building technology experienced a comprehensive energy efficiency improvement, which included updating the building automation system, replacing the old water cooler with an air-to-water heat pump, modernizing the air handling units and renewing the lighting.
With these energy efficiency measures, we reduced the property’s need for heating energy by 57%, the need for electricity by 4% and the carbon footprint caused by the property by 52%.
The smooth implementation of the project was ensured by precise planning and efficient working, so that the new equipment could be put into use quickly and without problems. Thanks to this, we were able to carry out the modernization efficiently and without disturbing the tenants.